Hello readers (if there are any) long time no blog. I'm aware its only been a week since my last post, but being a person of major eccentricity, my conception of the word 'long' is different from yours.
I just thought I'd take the time to write up a quick post before I went to bed. I've recently finished one of my assignments (Information Systems), one which I expected to take longer to complete, but now that it's out of the way I can have a more relaxing weekend. The job's not finished though. Closing in are the mid semester exams, most importantly Accounting. Considering I'm 2 weeks behind the homework for that subject, I don't think a relaxing weekend is on the table anymore.
I really haven't had any life outside university really. The only form of social activity I've had all week is going to the gym with Shirley. You left your friggin water bottle in my car again. People my car is not a rubbish bin. On the subject of working out, my membership at Ripples Leisure Centre is going to expire in a week's time. It's just too unfortunate that I won't be able to utilize the remaining days I have left since I'm so drowned in uni work.
There is some light at the end of the tunnel however. Ralph's 18th 'Orgy' is approaching. Let's see how that pans out shall we. Also approaching is Neisy's 18th which I hope to make it to. Oh and my sister's birthday is coming up on April Fools. Sick.
To everyone else with upcoming assessments and exams; goodluck ! That's about it from me. Thank you for reading and goodnight.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
...And Anticipated Action Approaches
Posted by Leonard at 3/27/2008 1 comments
Thursday, March 20, 2008
...And An Article About Attainment
The long easter holiday has commenced (for me anyway) No school for me until next Thursday; a whole week without university is definitely the break I've been waiting for, I can tell you that much.
Well I got back from Parramatta not too long ago and my feet are in excruciating pain. Who would have thought superfluous amounts of shopping would deliver unrelenting compassionless pain. Ok well it dosn't take a rocket scientist to realize I'm exaggerating, but just sitting down for 2 seconds releases a whole void of relaxation.
Similar to the Thursday two weeks back, I spent my Thursday night with Veronica and Shirley walking around all the clothing stores in Parra Westfield. These girls are the epitome of fashion - especially Shirley who always keeps me up to date with 'essentials' and 'in-seasons'. She showed me a great piece of Wrangler clothing at DJ which I'll purchase as soon as my cash from PayPal finishes transferring. I also managed to run into Karel at Glue and do a little bit of catching up which was good. On that note, a lot of catching up was done this week but I'll talk about that later.
Apart from shopping, we had dinner at Pho Pasteur which was amazingly filling. Though I do regret committing to Shirley's dare of consuming chilli flakes prior to meal consumption, the dinner was splendid. Afterwards, the three of us headed down to Blacktown Westpoint to waste money at PlayTime because that's what kids do. I also ran into an old friend of mine who I haven't seen in a long time, despite the fact that she lives ridiculously close to me. Nice seeing you Katie !
Afterwards I went back to St Marys with Veronica. Not that anyone in the would care, but today on the way home Veronica borrowed my PSP and 'accidentally' erased all my hard work and efforts on Ridge Racer. So if you're reading this Veronica, I would like to thankyou for your 'kind' acts. I told you I would mention you on my blog, so here it is.
Well that's my Thursday night. Let's backtrack a little and reflect over Week 4 of university. Monday was the usual start of the week with my Communications seminar and then a 5 hour gap leading to my Accounting lecture. At the moment, my mind is so preoccupied with upcoming assessments and exams that my mind refuses to reiterate the many events that happened during the week.
Wednesday was a great day of bonding with my group members for my Managing People and Organisations assignment. We had our first group meeting in the library and a lot of jokes and laughs were exchanged. Great stuff. With that said, I'd like to apologize guys for not showing up to the meeting we held today. I thought our meeting was at 11:30 and that our tutorial started at 12, hence me showing up late to class with a half-consumed hotdog and a carton of milk.
With Wednesday being a great day, Thursday could only be better. I've pretty much written a recount of Thursday at the start of this post talking about my day with Veronica and Shirley, but the highlight of the day would have to be me randomly bumping into my dear old friend Alyce at the UTS food court. Never in a trillion years did I expect to ever see her again, let alone in my university, but I'm glad I did.
I'm content with the week that has elapsed. A lot of old faces have renewed themselves and it only makes me look forward to seeing them again knowing that they're so close. I'll end it here because I have an imminent threat - that is my face falling on the keyboard at any given moment.
Actually just before I conclude, I'd like to thank Shirley for taking me to karaoke today. I sing Backstreet Boys to myself all the time, but I didn't think I'd be singing it in front of other people. Nice meeting your friends too.
Posted by Leonard at 3/20/2008 1 comments
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
...And Auctions Administer Abrupt Amounts
Not many are aware, but I am quite the fan of the eBay website. In the past I've sold and bought several clothing items and have purchased quite a bit of DVD's, though I still consider myself an inexperienced eBay user. Well yesterday I decided to register some items for auction. It is now 8pm the day after and all of a sudden some people have placed some bids. Items I'm selling include a Pokemon Card of Charizard which is selling for $5.50 and 3 Super Nintendo games for $41.00. I really didn't expect these items to attract any bidders, but I guess you just have to expect the unexpected. I'm not complaining. There's still a few days until the auctions terminate so hopefully the prices will rise.
Apart from making money in the cyber-world, I'm also enjoying university a bit more. Today I bumped into my old Hospitality friend Lauren at the station. She reminds me so much of Eva Longoria. On my way to the uni library, I came across my friend Qwayne. We had a good half hour conversation just catching up and arguing about USYD vs UTS. If you read this Qwayne, you're going to own at debating for sure. To polish off the day, my friend Shirley visited and came to one of my business lectures and showed me a magazine of the latest fashion.
To be evil, I'm going to end this blog on a bad note. On Monday, I lost my phone in the Market City toilets. I was stupid enough to put my phone on top of the toilet where the flush is and then walk off and forget about it. That piece of crap was breaking apart anyway. All I know is that I won't have a phone for many many months.
Posted by Leonard at 3/12/2008 1 comments
Saturday, March 8, 2008
...And Apprehension Assembles Around Alarming Academic Assignments ... AAAARGH!
My apologizes for such a lackluster alliterated post title, but a week has elapsed without a single blog post and thus I believe its imperative that I start writing on the double. But incase you're wondering, the obscure alliteration does spark a whole heap of meaning.
The reason for such an absence on the blog is due to the rigorous nature of University. I'm not one to complain so I won't. No forget that last sentence, I will complain. The amount of responsibility and independance required as opposed to high school is aplenty. The workload and amount of assignments that have been distributed is preposterous. I've been directed by my lecturers to spend 9 hours a week studying each subject. I'd be lieing if I told you I was spending even half that amount on my subjects. I'd also be lieing if I told you I haven't felt like dropping out.
That last action described though is definitely forbidden. I won't be throwing out my goals out the window just like that. But to make my point crystal clear, university life has definitely been keeping me busy but at the same time has also made me more social. Each day at uni allows me to see lots and lots of old friends, which I'm greatful for. Thursday night in particular was great. I went to Blacktown Westpoint for the first time in a LONG time and got to bum with Veronica, Solly and Shirley. Thanks for the fashion tips girls. HAH. Other than that, I had my weekly Daytona race with Adrian, though no victories for me at all thus far. Plenty more to talk about, though lazyness has consumed the better side of me so I'll conclude it here.
Posted by Leonard at 3/08/2008 2 comments
Sunday, March 2, 2008
...And Another Amazing Adventure
Well it's Sunday morning and I should be doing my long due accounting homework, but I thought I'd write up another post to start off the month of March.
Yesterday our youth group had their second outing. Previously we had a beach outing at Coggee - this time we took a trip down South to Jamberoo. Now the experiences you are going to read will sound devilishly noobish but I haven't been to Jamberoo since the early 90's, possibly 93' or 94' so I like to consider this my first time at Jamberoo.
Anyways since everyone absolutely loves my house, we all met up at my place and waited for the mini-bus to pick us up. A big thankyou to the bus driver we hired who refused to accept any form of payment for taking us all that way. We left around 8:30 and for the next 2 hours I enjoyed the atmospheric scenery.
We arrived at approximately 10:30, and from then on it was non-stop action packed mayhem. First thing first - mountain tobagganing. Being the amateur I am, the amateur lane was my preference. After that, we went on the go-karts. Despite the excruciating waiting times involved, I enjoyed the 4 lap race between Benno, Ron, Kirill and myself.
It was then over with the dry activities, and on with the wet activities. Kirill, Ron, JC and myself went on the Splash-out slides which was great fun. We then went to the Taipan and had 4 turns, though I would have liked to have had way more. I'd come back to Jamberoo anyday just for this ride. We tried many different positions on the Taipan and as wrong as that sounds, I'd like to try way more. Actually, I'd like to just slide down without the float. I bet so many people have already.
After the Taipan, we caught up with the rest of the boys on the 'Rapid River' where you use rubber rafts to navigate through the river. After 3 or 4 laps of racing each other, we had another turn at the toboggans. The experienced lane is so much better !
At around 4, it was time to head back home. We all met up at the entrance and took some last minute photos and then it was back to my place.
Posted by Leonard at 3/02/2008 1 comments