To fight my concerns about how I haven't bought any new clothes in a while, I decided to head down to the riff yesterday to cure that problem. With our one-of-kind summer here, I'm not looking for anything too fancy, so I bought a couple of plain tee's. I also tried to stop by Toby's work for a chat, but his work had way too much selling to do with a never ending supply of customers, and it was only 11am in the morning.
Later that day I watched Twilight with AJ (Adrian+Jasmine) and my thoughts you ask? It definitely didn't live up to all the hype, but still a good watch. Some awkward moments here and there that seemed unfitting, but whatever.
After the movie I went bowling with AJ and Tim and got $3 games courtesy of Jasmine's brother and myself. We made a bet that whoever came last in the first game would be recognised as a "teeny bopper for life". I hope you enjoy your crown Tim.
In other news, uni results are out. Since I'm capped for another 2 weeks, I got Geoff to check my results for me. Here's what he returned:
2008 Spring Semester 24108 Marketing Foundations 72 C Credit 6
2008 Spring Semester 25115 Economics for Business 68 C Credit 6
2008 Spring Semester 31267 Programming Fundamentals 72 C Credit 6
2008 Spring Semester 31268 Web Systems 70 C Credit 6
Originally I was upset that I missed out on opportunities to get Distinctions, but it's all water under the bridge.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
...And AMF = (Always More Fun)
Posted by Leonard at 12/17/2008 2 comments
Friday, December 12, 2008
...And As Age Ascends, Appearances Are Angelic
Happy birthday mother. Thanks for everything and I wish you a great day. I greeted you before at 12am on the dot just in time before you went to bed, but I thought I'd write it on my blog too despite the fact that you probably won't come across this.
Super Mario Cake !
Posted by Leonard at 12/12/2008 4 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008
...And Airy Appetites Are Administered
To accommodate the needs of my swelling mouth and slowly recovering gums which both require a soft diet, I drove to Woolworth's a little while ago to do some grocery shopping. The only difference this time round was that I was scouting goods for myself rather than for the family. In a selfish journey through the isles of Woolworths, I looked for anything soft and painlessly edible.
I obviously picked up bottle of milk because I drink that stuff non-stop as if it's water. I also picked up 3 packets of aeroplane jelly including Blueberry, Raspberry and Port Wine, a 6-pack of chocolate yogo yoghurt, a 6-pack of Ski Berry Basket and a 6-pack of strawberry flavored Up & Go breakfast drinks. That's a fair bit of 6-packs, though contrastingly, I will get fat. I should have picked up some ice-cream too, but on the same token, my freezer is overcrowded with spring rolls and nuggets.
In the meantime, I have a bowl of Blueberry Jelly resting in the fridge, which should be nice and firm in 4 hours time. Plus I also have a home-made mango soothie cooling down, and some cheese cake in the freezer. With all those things to be consumed later, I've got the ball rolling by eating some latina fresh pasta. Damn, I really will get fat over these holidays.
Posted by Leonard at 12/11/2008 1 comments
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
...And Articulative Agony Augments
Today I got my two lower wisdom teeth extracted, and while the extraction process was completely forgettable and unmemorable thanks to the injection, the post-operation condition could be better. Pain is existent but minimal. I just wish I could recover overnight and get back to living a healthy normal life. This means I'll have to cancel my blood donation tomorrow which is a shame because I was looking forward to stuffing my face at the hospital again.
In other news, I've been listening to a lot of Deathcore music. This was once a genre of music I promised myself I would never listen to back when I was a metal purist, but after taking the time to check out some recommendations, I'm hooked. Evident from my, I've been listening to a lot of Carnifex, Suicide Silence, Burning the Masses and All Shall Perish. While most of the music is generic, those bands make unique music.
Just to finish off, Mark has a new blog out which looks win, and is just as insightful as any column from the New York Times. Check it out here!
Posted by Leonard at 12/10/2008 3 comments
Saturday, December 6, 2008
...And Adeiu Actions Arranged
During the week I got together with my 'band mates' to record a farewell video for our dearest friend Gloria who left this morning for Hong Kong. She'll be there for a month. How sad. What's even more depressing is that she'll be discontinuing her studies at UTS next year. Anyways, the recording process took place at Jasmine's house and in the fields of Woodcroft using my trusty digicam. Our ever-reliable video editor Adrian put in the finishing touches to make it look something else ...
On Wednesday evening I drove to Baulkham Hills and picked up Tim and we were off to Fitness First at Norwest. That evening would be Tim's debut workout. It was fun showing him the ropes. Unfortunately for me, I can no longer bench the same amount of weights I used to when I practically whored the gym during the HSC year. On the bright side, we managed to score a free entry pass for the next time we visit which is great.
On Thursday we officially gave our farewells to Gloria by having a day out in the city, which comprised of Adrian and myself following Gloria and Jasmine around the city while they shopped, and watching 'Four Christmases'. A partially funny movie, but overnall not an enjoyable watch. Bye Gloria !
Here's a band photo !

Anyways there's a bunch of steaks resting on the kitchen bench just waiting to be seared. Bye.
Posted by Leonard at 12/06/2008 3 comments