Hello non-existent readers ! Long time no blog ! A number of you may have got the impression that the running of this blog has ceased, but that is definitely not the case. Honestly I just haven't had the time to write or keep you readers updated, especially with university and work keeping my plate full. Even if I did have the time to blog, none of it would be interesting. Then again, when are my blogs interesting?
As I wait for my parents to get ready so that I can be driven to the station, I thought I would write to you this very blog. Today I have to head to Blake Library to meet up with my Business Statistics group to try and complete the first two questions. Since we all run a tight schedule, today is realistically the only day we can meet up.
On a completely unrelated, but highly important matter, something truly shocking occurred last Thursday. Running late to my Accounting lecture as usual, I was on the 9:05 express when I realized we had stopped at Ashfield, which was unusual because we never stop at Ashfield. Then out of no where, I hear an announcement from the train driver telling us "This train will terminate at Ashfield. For those travelling to Central, please get off and switch to Platform 3. There has been a fatality".
A fatality I wonder? Everybody started getting off the train in a hurry, however I was texting a friend at the time so I allowed myself to get off the train last. Once I had gotten off the train, I noticed that several CityRail employees were looking underneath the tracks as if there a dead body stuck on the tracks. As usual, curiousity got the best of me so I looked underneath as well. All I managed to see were puddles of blood, but no actual body. As of now, I haven't been able to find any article relating to this alleged fatality at Ashfield, so perhaps it was something else? If anyone else knows any details, please let me know.
Most of you know that I'll be moving houses later down the track. In fact, I may have told you I was moving in last year. Oh how that came to fruition. For those who don't know, I'll be moving to Beaumont Hills which is right next to Rouse Hill. Well last Thursday one of the residents of Sanctuary Drive (one of the mains roads of Beaumont Hills) was shot twice as he got out of his car on the driveway. He is currently in hospital fighting for his life. Thankfully he is still alive and his family are safe. It's just scary to think that I'll be moving right where the incident happened. Beaumont Hills is known for resembling a quiet retirement village where nothing dramatic occurs.
Next week is definitely a week I'm dreading. My manager has given me a total of 32 hours to work next week. I have no idea how I'm going to handle that combined with university commitments, but I guess we'll see won't we?
Saturday, March 28, 2009
The One Post In A While.
Posted by Leonard at 3/28/2009 3 comments
Friday, March 13, 2009
The One With The Road Concern.
Dear whatever Council governs the roads of Berkshire Park and Windsor Downs,
To god, please attach a set of traffic lights at the end of St Marys Road where it intersects with Richmond Road. If you're the unfortunate driver who has to turn right INTO Richmond Rd from St Marys Rd during peak hour, then you might as well bring a Harry Potter novel with you to read, or something else that will keep you occupied for hours, because that's how long it will take you until you can find a safe gap to turn right.
No joke, you would most likely count up to 100+ cars coming both from both left and right before you have the balls to press that accelerator flat on the ground and turn right without getting hit or beeped at. In fact, that's exactly what you have to do if you're turning right.
For those who don't know what I'm talking about, there is a certain death point at the end of St Marys Road where you must either turn left or right into Richmond Road. Keep in mind, this is only during peak hour. If you're turning left, then obviously all you have to worry about are the cars coming from the right. But even so, armies of cars come from that direction and they come in 20 car intervals.
But what about if you're turning right into Richmond Road? Well that's a completely different story. Not only do you have to worry about cars coming from the right, but you also have to watch the cars coming from the left, whether they're continuing onto Richmond Road, or they're right into St Marys Road. Eventually when you find that the amount of cars coming from the right has lightened down, you still need to make sure there are no cars waiting to turn right into the road you're already on, and believe me, by the time they have turned, the cars coming from the right will have already started swarming again.Anyways, there actually is something being done about it. There will be a traffic light put into place, but that won't be done until Mid-09.
Posted by Leonard at 3/13/2009 1 comments
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
The One Blog About Random Stuff.
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Posted by Leonard at 3/03/2009 3 comments