Monday, June 29, 2009

The One With The St Marys Kids

Last night I returned from one of the greatest weekends ever with the St Marys Kids. Together with 25 other former students of St Marys Senior High, we headed off to Perisher Blue for the weekend. Despite the fact that my bank account has a zero balance, the snow trip was definitely worth every dollar.

On Friday night, we all met up at Nichol's place in Rooty Hill to get picked up by the coach. It was a bit past midnight and freezing ! Suddenly, I noticed two random blokes with beer bottles walking towards our group. I got the feeling that they were going to walk towards us and cause some trouble because they were obviously wasted. As a joke, I walked slightly towards them as if something was really going to happen. Sure enough, they actually stopped and walked towards me. In my head I was laughing, thinking to myself, okay, let's see where this goes. To my benefit, they were quite friendly drunks, asking stupid questions like 'have you seen my sister? 'are you filipino?'. 'fucking cold aye'?. When the coach finally arrived, one of them actually hopped onto the bus thinking he was coming to the snow with us. Hilarious.

We got to our accommodation at 7am on Saturday morning. To my surprise, we went straight for the slopes instead of getting some sleep. We grabbed our gear, our snowboards and skis, and from then on it was 8 hours of awesomeness. Now I hadn't been snowboarding since Year 6, so just to build some confidence, I limited myself to snowboarding on the lowest slope. After that, I headed for the lifts which took me to the very top of the mountain, and from then on it was pure awesomeness.

That night, there really wasn't much to do back at the cabins. After exhausting my change on pool and daytona, we had shots of Southern Comfort over pretty much 100 games of Uno. I went back to my own cabin at a random time around 2am and slept in my nudie jeans. Funnily enough, when I woke up, my jeans were off and I was only in boxer shorts. Bizarre much?

Day 2 at the snow was another great day. Today, me and some of the other boys ditched our skis and snowboards and decided to have an ultra epic snowball fight. We walked towards the church where no one was to be found. We decided to make it ultra epic by carving out our own bases and fortresses. Seeing as I was only a one-man team, I worked as fast as I could to build the most secure snow base. After we had finished working on our snow bases, it was 3 hours of snowball madness.

We headed back home Sunday night at 6pm and played some more Uno on the bus. Eventually I started getting motion sickness so I put the aside the cards and took a nap. We arrived at McDonalds on the M7 and bought myself an epic dinner consisting of a 10 nuggets, a cheeseburger meal, a strawberry sundae, a jam donut and a large cappuccino. *burp* Overall, the snow trip was a big success and it is all thanks to Krista who did all the planning. Thanks again Krista !

Anyways, the snow trip has left me pretty much broke right now, so I really don't have any money to go out, which is okay because it gives me a chance to be a computer whore and watch all these new movies and TV series on my hard drive. I plan to watch as many movies as I can and write up a blog doing a small review on each one. I have work in an hour, so I'm going to take a quick nap ! Cya !

Friday, June 26, 2009

The One About Petrol Money.

I have a good hour until I get picked up, so I think the time-killing task for this situation will be to blog. Tonight I'm heading off to the snow, and funnily enough, I have no idea where our destination is. Heck, I bet half the kids attending don't know where we're going. Us St. Marys kids are all just excited to go away together. Should be great fun ! A big thank you goes to Krista who did the majority of the planning. Thank you so much Krista for your time and effort in organizing this outing. I'm giving her a big rap because she did us many favors, especially me by giving me free hire (since I was first to pay) and putting in $90 for my snowboard. It's just too bad you won't be joining us, so once again I'd like to give you my deepest condolences for your family and your tragic loss.

I visited Xander's place during the week and using my new 1TB external hard drive, snagged some more goodies from his computer. I managed to get the complete 007 package, which I should get through these holidays. I also grabbed Season 5 of Entourage which I've been meaning to watch since last year. As of now I have watched the 5th season and am eagerly awaiting Season 6. I also got all seasons of 'How I Met your Mother' and today, I started watching the series for the first time. Up to now I've watched the first six episodes, and I can honestly say that I'm hooked ! I hope to get through more episodes throughout the holidays.

During the week I watched The Hangover and Transformers: Revenge of the blablabla. Both movies were good, but not great. I almost fell asleep in Transformers because it was too damn long. I thought that battle in the forest was going to be the ending, but the movie went on for a friggin hour more.

I'd like to include a mini rant in this blog. I can't remember the last time I ever blog-ranted before. I think the last time I did that, I was ranting about people who leave rubbish in people's cars. I find that the best way to avoid such rude behavior is to not give people lifts. Anyways, I'd like to talk about the concept of 'petty-money', otherwise money awarded to the driver for their generosity and sacrifice.

You'll never find me asking for petrol money. Then again, I really respect those who offer me petrol money. You people are great and considerate. I like to believe I am generous at times, and giving lifts to those in 'serious' need is one of those things. Obviously, under severe circumstances, the concept of petrol money might come into play, for example, me driving someone to another country, however instead of me asking for petrol money, I just wouldn't drive you at all. Cmon, you know my Camry won't get that far. But yes, if I'm ever driving someone somewhere, I'm not looking for monetary rewards in return, all I'm looking for is just recognition and a smile !

Okay, so that's not really ranting, but I will now. I am not a fan of giving out petrol money either. Seriously guys, friends do favors all the time. Obviously there's a fine line between driving the same lazy person everywhere (which in that case you should be man enough to tell them to get lost and get their own lift) and someone who just needs this one lift and will probably never ask you for a lift again (which in this case, does not warrant and petrol money for mine). If it's the latter case, as a driver, be generous and help someone in need ! Don't be a greedy bastard and actually ask for $5 just to drive them to the station which really does not consume that much petrol. I mean fine, if they don't say thanks, then that's fair enough; just run them over as soon as they get off. That's what I do. :) Whatever happened to the days where friends would do favors for friends without seeking an award ! Don't get me wrong though. I'm definitely no saint myself.

Now assuming you just skim read through all that, basically I don't like accepting petrol money, nor do I like having to give petrol money. Anyways, my lift is coming soon, so laters ! Here I come snowies !

Sunday, June 21, 2009

The One With The Dream.

I had a dream last night. It featured myself and three others, them being Tim, Jasmine and Ivan. The four of us went grocery shopping at Coles in teams of two, one duo being Jasmine and Tim, and the other obviously being Ivan and myself. Tim and Jasmine went off to do their own thing, whilst Ivan and myself started at the cereal section. I grabbed a large box of Fruit loops, and from then on the dream just started getting way too peculiar. I was sitting on a wagon and Ivan started dragging me through the isles. Then all of a sudden, we hear on the P.A, "could the two asian boys with the wagon please shop sensibly. Please see us outside after you finish shopping". WTF right there. My dream then fast forwarded to Ivan and myself sitting outside on a table with two milfs who worked at Coles, whilst Tim and Jasmine were waiting for us by the car with their groceries waiting to go home.

The end.

read their blogs :)
adrian | ainna | audrey | jasmine| nicole| timothy