Monday, January 28, 2008

...And From The Abyss of Hell I Write

Every once in a blue moon you encounter an album that just grinds your body with a chainsaw, dismembering and drowning you in viscera, leaving you to endure the infinite miseries of hell. In more 'friendly' terms, sometimes you come across an album that just blows you away from start to finish. Now a lot of albums in the past have impressed me in one way or another, but the following album impressed and impacted on me in a way that no other album has before. The following album is 'that' good, that it made me want to show some recognition through a blog post. This is by no means a recommendation post - I am writing about an album I like and nothing more.

The album I speak of is 'Diminishing Between Worlds' by DECREPIT BIRTH. It is their second full-length album. I don't want this to be one long kiss-ass tribute, so I'll be short and vague. The album features 11 gut wrenching death metal tracks that penetrate your skull like a jackhammer. Now what really impressed me was the songwriting. This is definitely huge step in front of their previous album. This album is much more melodic, chaotic and most importantly, memorable. They manage to incorporate some vicious melodies without sacrificing their technicality too. Now don't get me wrong, technicality does not make an album, but their song writing skills have definitely improved since their last record. To put simply, there's enough solos, harmonies and blasting in this new gem to shred you into fine paste. I mean, even for a death metal record the harmonies are just beautiful to listen to.


read their blogs :)
adrian | ainna | audrey | jasmine| nicole| timothy