After reading Relgin's most informative essay of a blog entry it inspired me to write up another post, though I'll never be as catchy and entertaining as Sir James. I usually write my blog titles prior to writing the actual post and as untraditional and unorthodox as that may seem, it works for me. This time however, my mind is running blank at the moment so instead I'll write the post before I create the title. Like you pathetic people care anyway.
Well one week of uni has elapsed considering I have no uni on Fridays. My thoughts?
I'm enjoying it thus far. Obviously the amount of assignments and homework spat at us by the lecturors and tutors is an almighty atrocity, but that's life and life sucks. Whinging aside, I'm enjoying the commuter's life. Actually, 'enjoying' may not be the most appropriate word. Perhaps 'adapting' is a more suitable term. The routine of waking up early and driving to St Marys in time to catch the 8:30 train every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday was the life I didn't eagerly anticipate, but to my surprise I'm tolerant about it.
Think about it. I'm sure sitting on a train 45 minutes or so minutes twice a day isn't everyone's cup of tea. I cursed at the prospect of having to sit on a train for 90 minutes each uni day all year, but it's not too bad. I'm aware that only a week has passed, but as long as you have an mp3 player combined with a train buddy, the world still revolves joyously. If one thing must be admired, it's the approachability of my fellow students. Everyone seems very relaxed and in the mood for a chat. I'm yet to see any 'scene-makers' or people looking to cause unwanted attention.
New addiction readers. Daytona USA ! Most of you will be familiar with this great racing game from Galaxy World or any other good arcade. Seeing as that I'm in the city quite a bit now, it only makes sense to spend some time at the arcade and thankfully, UTS has an underground arcade ! I usually play Daytona with my friend Adrian who I am yet to beat. We must have had 10 races by now. We've had many exciting races, particularly yesterday in which I almost had him until I fucked up the last drift and he won by 2 milliseconds.
Overall, this week of university has been very pleaseant. If you subtract the boring 5 hour gap I have on Mondays from the picture, university is great. Since there is so much more to blog about, I'll just list some highlights of the week at uni:
- train ride home with the boys and watching those two Japanese girls slap each other
- running in the rain countless times, especially on Wednesday.
- lecture for 'Introduction to Information Systems' - who the heck pronounces Google as 'GOOGOLL'?
- the many daytona races with Adrian and losing by a hair length
- getting owned by Nikki at almost everything, and getting owned by Ivan whenever I talk about 'Queer Space'
- meeting up with my old friend Jessica and catching up
- catching up with Shirley - here's to being unemployed !
- meeting randoms at the co-op bookstore
- freakishly running into Denise right after I txted her
- 30 minute crash course of Unix with my old mate Simon (thanks again man!)
- witnessing all the babes in my business subjects. DAMN !
Do keep reading in future !
can u drift yet lenny?
ill teach you its not too hard
Ill take it that your week at university wasn't pleasant because of the rain.
But reading your highlights changes the mood of the blog.
Thanks for sharing.
HAHAHAHA daytona. One day, Lenny, one day. :D And I was on the phone too... lol
Damn your business and chicks. Its okay.. that ONE in web systems is all I need. Theres also one in Applications programming, but I might drop that to go down to Programming Fundamentals.
And you still haven't shown me your timetable!
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