9:30am start today. The smart thing to do would have been to sleep early the night before, but instead I was an internet whore and slept at 3 in the morning. I paid the ultimate price the next day. First class was my Business Law and Ethics tutorial which wasn't as bad as I originally expected. My tutor is quite easy going and does not grill you if you don't contribute, which works well for me. Interestingly enough, I'm the only second year student in the class, and am the only one from the FEIT faculty.
Next class was Business Requirements Modeling. No criticisms here. Here we formed our groups for the assignment, which is officially comprised of Jasmine, Tim, Nam, Gordon and myself. Looking forward to it. The lecturer is one part of the subject that really stands out. I'm sure the way in which the lecturer speaks is perfectly natural, but as a listener it really seems like he's yelling at you, which is great because your attention is immediately placed on him, and not the hot girl sitting across from you in the same row. Oh wait.
After my BRM class, I had my Finance lecture. This is where my lack of sleep from the night before came back to bite me. The first hour of the lecture consisted of me listening for 5 seconds, then slowly falling asleep for 10 seconds, then waking up realizing I should be listening, then repeat. I hate it when that happens. You really don't want to fall asleep, but you do so anyway because you can't help it. Again, we formed our groups for the assignment. My group for this one will be Andrew, Joseph, CJ and myself.
After my last class I met up with Adrian, Ivan and Xander and had a cheap dinner at Maccas and then went to the Glasshouse to play some pool.
And that's my life story today.
Now that I'm blogging, I'd like to make a special mention to a great band I recently came across, a band known as 'Dance Gavin Dance'. Yes, the fact that I'm even blogging about them should indicate how much I enjoy their music. Describing the style of music they play is tough. If I had to specific, I would label them as Experimental Post-Hardcore? I had heard about these guys before but never bothered to browse their catalog, simply because of their band name. I know, stupid reason not to check a band out. I finally came to my senses and decided to see what they have to offer ...
Don't let the fat guy in the middle fool you Tim. He's lost a lot of weight since then. :)
Starting with their myspace, I obviously listened to the songs with the highest play counts, them being 'And I Told Them I Invented Times New Roman' and 'Lemon Miringue Tie'. Upon hearing these tracks, the first thing that caught my attention was the singer's voice. It's just so ... beautiful. After being impressed with the songs, I checked out their 'Downtown Battle Mountain' album.

Such a great album. The singing is just so catchy and is probably the highlight. While there isn't loads of singing, when it does occur it's a great listening experience. As for the instruments, these musicians know their instruments really well. Some weird and complicated structures are something that caught my attention straight away. So many great guitar leads in this album too.
Recommended songs are:
- And I Invented Times New Roman
- Lemon Meringue Tie
- Turn Off The Lights, I'm Watching Back To The Future
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