So it's currently Thursday afternoon and my weekly economics quiz results have just been released. In all honesty, the results I retrieve from my economics quiz every Thursday are one of the many determinants of whether the following week will be good or not. I'm sure most of you live off particular results or outcomes that have have an influence on the times or moods that follow. Actually scrap that. I'm known for being weird like that, so I'll just assume it's just me. But getting deeper into this philosophy, I'll give you an example. The chances of me wanting to have a good time this weekend will depend on whether the Roosters win their Friday Night clash with the Rabbits. Or how about this. My mood for the latter half of tomorrow all depends if I finish Chapter 7 of LinuxGym in my Web Systems lab tomorrow. (EDIT: Oh man there's an exam tomorrow)
Sunday: Week 5 of university has been a memorable week so far and I hope it continues to. On Sunday, after dropping Nikki off to work, I watched The Edge of Love with Shirley and Christine. I should have known watching a love story film was always going to happen with these girls. Funnily enough there were only 2 other people in the cinema watching it with us. So what's the verdict? BORING. I forced myself to understand as much as I could though, but I felt the movie never really went anywhere. It really failed to eventuate to something big.
Monday: I left for university earlier than usual. I walked to Goulbourn St and met up with Yen to do lunch in which she stubbornly shouted me. I learned a great deal about etiquette let me tell you that. After a delightful consumption of carbs, I headed off to the Building 10 labs to make further, yet uncessary progress on my LinuxGym e-book. Fellow classmates of mine who do Web Systems with me, you may find the following statement hard to believe, sad, even offensive. Completing those LinuxGym chapters are fun. There I said it. I later had my Economics lecture at 4, followed by a tutorial, and then me heading home at 7pm.
Tuesday: I headed off to university early again to attempt further chapters of LinuxGym. After struggling with Chapter 7, I went back to Chapter 5 and made some progress with assistance from Adrian. We then met up with some friends at the UTS food court where I scabbed some of Jasmine's soaky pasta. After that a bunch of us went to Market City for some reason. Adrian and I arrived halfway through the Marketing Lecture, followed by our tutorial, finishing at 9pm. Our iWatch proposal also got approved which was great. Now that I've brought it up, I still haven't allocated tasks to my group members. I'll get to it eventually.
Wednesday: I'd like to mention that this is one of the more memorable and enjoyable birthdays I've had and I thank everyone who was apart of it. It was a great 19th because my friends wanted to celebrate it, despite the fact that I myself wasn't planning to celebrate. In fact, I was originally going to spend the whole day at the library studying programming. If you seen my recent video blog, I highlighted that I wasn't really keen on celebrating my 19th, however after some encouragement and brainstorming from a bunch of very special programming-jigging friends of mine, we made a day of it.
I started the day by going shopping with Adrian and Jasmine at Rouse Hill Shopping Town Center. It was the first time I saw either of their houses and it seems they are very well accommodated in terms of living. It was a rocky ride finding Jasmine's house, after scanning the wrong part of Woodcroft but we eventually got there. We went to General Pants with each of us spending a considerable amount of times in the change rooms (or maybe it was just me). I ended up buying two plain v-necks for the summer, however I couldn't decide on what colors to pick so I got the trustworthey Jasmine to decide. Afterwards we had a round of churros.
After a very convincing (I think?), yet bollox conversation with Ivan on the phone, we decided to chill at Jasmine's place and watch a movie. We ended up watching Zoolander which I had never seen before. I always used to hear my friends recite lines from this movie and I always wondered what on earth they were going about. This movie is ridiculously funny and all of it makes sense now. Afterwards we watched one episode of Seinfeld and then we headed off to Blacktown Workers Club.
After arriving at Workers, we waited at the gambling section for the first lot of the birthday raffle draws. Those fortunate enough to win would be recipients of $1000. It was a shocking sight watching the winners collect their cash, not because I was disappointed, but because of their reactions to winning. They were inanimate beings showing absolutely zero emotion to winning $1000 each. If it were me who won, I'd be doing headspins over the damn tables.
After more friends of mine arrived at the club, we made our way to the buffet area and commenced our long and filling dinner. When the night hit 9pm, we made our way downstairs for the final birthday raffle draws, however me winning on my birthday was not to be. There's no problems there because I had such a great birthday anyway. When I got home, I replied to 30+ facebook greetings because I am so nice. Thanks to those who were a part of my birthday, and were able to come out for dinner even though it was short notice. Appreciate it. And thank you Shirley for the shirt you high roller. Seriously.
Bottom: Brent, Nikki, Toby, Tim, Veronica, Salih, Jinno, Lenny, Jono, Shirley.
I would like to say that for those of you are wondering "where was my invite?", everything was a spur of the moment kind of thing with hope that word would eventually get around so don't feel left out !
Until next time, good afternoon, good evening and goodnight.
glad you enjoyed your birthday mate! you definately deserve it
and go watch truman show lol
Glad you had fun!
I want more churros. I wish I had the machine taht made them..
But yeah, had a blast celebrating it that day. Wait til next year.. when we'll both be 20. Haha.
Hey! I totally flipped and forgot your birthday. Sorry Lenny.
Happy Birthday Lenny.
I'm glad it was a memorable day for you.
Take care !
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