For those of you who bother to read or even just drop by my blog once in a blue moon, you'll have noticed the alliterated blog titles I include for every post. A friend from school seems to doubt my ability to conjure up further alliterated titles, believing that I won't last until the end of the year. Little does he know of the genius circulating around this brain. Thesaurus much?
This morning, like every other morning, I slept in because I can, and it feels great. To add further insight to this post's blog title, most people laugh or question my choice to have evening classes for university, though their criticism is mainly limited to the dangers of travelling, followed by no futher arguement. Well for you evening timetable critics, I laugh right back at you. Have fun waking up early. Have fun standing on the train from Central to wherever. Have fun getting home, and instead of studying, you have an afternoon nap that eventually escalates into oversleeping. Have fun arriving at uni, realizing you forgot to bring an item of great importance all because you were in a rush. Have fun catching a later train all because you missed yours by a few seconds. In all honesty, 3/4 of my lectures are stationed in the evening and intervention was impossible. I confidently selected the latest tutorials to simply compliment the timing of my lectures. I would rather have quality study in a single 4-5 hour break, than to study in three lots of 1 hour gaps situated throughout the day.
Right, so the main purpose of this particular blog is to promote my new video blog, but now that I am blogging, I might as well recount my day. Before going to university, I passed by Blacktown and I met up with Adrian and Hilary and her friend whose name I have since forgotten, and we had pizza at the food court. After a great lunch and falsely accusing Hilary of spilling her drink in front of the cleaner, Adrian and I thought a good way to kill time would be to hang out at Blacktown Workers. We were hoping to get the underage Hilary to come inside the RSL, but the customer service staff saw right through our lies, especially when Hilary claimed she was 18, followed by her saying "I forgot my wallet". On the same token, it was me who told them we would only be eating at the buffet, even though we were an hour early until opening. Getting rejected is so awkward, so embarrassing. This situation proves just how important planning is before execution. There's no such thing as a bad plan, it's just a lack of will by man to execute. Unfortunately for us, we had neither.
After a failed attempt to infiltrate the RSL, the three of us sat down in a particular section of Blacktown, which I like to refer as the 'serene' part of Blacktown. After some minutes we met up with Lawrence in some random car park and conversed for a bit, and then it was off to university for my 6pm lecture.
Ok, so below is another attempt at a video blog. Enjoy.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
...And Arguably Asleep, Advantageous, and Astute
Posted by Leonard at 8/13/2008
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To your disappointment, it was just a twitch? It happens too much, happened last year on the train from UWS and my friend was like wtf.
But yeah LOl, Hilary's friend was Edwin! But yeah, I didn't know how to react to us getting rejected, so I was thinking like.. okay.. lets just walk out slowly. Oh well, when shes 18... like next October.
haha, nice vid blog... are you sure you can be driving with those bad eyes lenny b? jokes jokes..
keep up the good work man...
lenny how the hell did you capture me so well when you were imitating me in that vlog?
like that part "are you crazy? im not scene"
wow thats got to be a direct quote or something cause thats exactally how i talk LOL
ill talk to you later lol
Good angle on the Video blog.
Haha good to now your night classes for university are working for you. Even though I too questioned it.
Well good to know weather in Sydney is looking good.
Catch you at another time.
LOL i just realized
when you said 'no cloud in sight'
you can see a couple of clouds in the b/g just a second after haha
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