Sunday, February 15, 2009

The One Single British Unusuality.

British Boy Alfie Patten, 13, becomes a father. Mum is 15.

News header explains it all. Here's a picture of the lovely couple. Is it me, or does the father look eight years old and the mother look 20 years old? God damn. Whatever. The kid's shown that he's taken his child's birth very seriously so that's a thumbs up from me.

Going bowling tonight. Woo.


Anonymous said...

It's wrong on so many levels. I can't even imagine 13-year-olds doing it at that age!

kenneth said...

Apparently the mother isn't even sure if he's the father. The slapper said there's a possibility that the baby can come from another 5 people.

Anonymous said...

haha, either way man this thing is a classic. Just goes to show how vast the divide really is between younger and older generations in britain. but i agree... very, VERY disturbing.

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