To evade the scorching temperatures in Western Sydney, I went to the Royal Botanic Gardens to lie in the cool breeze. Other than that, we celebrated the return of Jasmine (Cairns) and the departure of Adrian (Hawaii). The day also involved climbing trees and getting told off by park rangers.
Today I had to go to uni for Training Day 2 of Peer Support. Thankfully I didn't have to mingle too much as I recognized some of the people I met from Training Day 1, but at the same time met some great people. Anyways we signed up for the orientation tasks we would participate in, therefore for those of you who are attending the UTS orientation, look out for me ! I'll be providing you a tour of our city and Kuring-gai campuses plus other stuff !
Other than that, I ran into Rheanne today in the Tower Building. It's always funny when people you haven't seen in a long time just pop in your face out of no where. Thanks for telling me you got into UTS woman. Sheesh.
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